Initial Legal Research Proposal for GenSeven’s “Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund”

GenSeven is investigating Make Sunsets, Inc. (a relatively new start-up based out of Box Elder, South Dakota) and its application for a 200-year contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) for experimental Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (“SAI”) programs throughout the U.S., and worldwide. Make Sunsets asserts that SAI helps to combat Global Warming. These experimental SAI programs are currently underway throughout the US, most recently out of Reno, Nevada, over the Sierra Mountains range. Despite Make Sunsets’ SAI claims, SAI has been banned in Mexico due to human health concerns and unknown environmental risks. SAI also has been banned by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (establishing in 2010 a moratorium against deploying such geoengineering). GenSeven seeks donations to fund this investigation.

In June 2023, after GenSeven’s founder Reinette Senum and attorney Deana Sacks announced their intent to pursue an injunction to stop the geoengineering,  Congress amended the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) and loosened the longstanding requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) prior to the government engaging any action that could have a deleterious effect on the environment.  The legislative revisions are so recent that our lawyers must research what happened and why.  Our lawyers are currently investigating the June 2023 changes to NEPA and researching all aspects of the 200-year contract, which probably violates the law on several bases per se.

These issues are novel and require comprehensive legal analysis. We do not want to file an action prematurely on this precedent-setting action and must spend the time to understand fully the above-referenced issues and legislative action.  Funding is needed for this high-end research and analysis.

Due to the complicated and novel issues, GenSeven has retained two former tenured law professors with expertise in constitutional law, civil procedure, evidence, and civil liability (tort law).  These lawyers are Attorney Advocates with Lord Advocates if you wish to review their stellar credentials and records of legal scholarship. See

Our lawyers believe that there may be a variety of due process violations as well as substantive law issues with the 200-year contract.  After the research is complete, we will turn to other considerations pre-filing.  We will need to fund the research now and raise funds later to fund the litigation, which is very time-consuming for lawyers and expensive.

Donations to GenSeven are tax-deductible (our IRS Section (501(c)(3) application is pending).

Thank you for your support, and we will keep you updated on our progress.,


PRESS RELEASE Landmark Geoengineering Lawsuit Being Mounted Against U.S. Start-UpMake Sunsets, Inc. as Congress Kills U.S. Enviro Policy (NEPA)


Important Status Update; Would You Be Willing to Double Your Donation? June 27, 2023