PRESS RELEASE Landmark Geoengineering Lawsuit Being Mounted Against U.S. Start-UpMake Sunsets, Inc. as Congress Kills U.S. Enviro Policy (NEPA)

Nevada City, CA.- Two organizations, GenSeven and Lord Advocates, are preparing a landmark lawsuit against the start-up corporation, Make Sunsets, Inc. (“MSI”), headquartered in Box Elder, South Dakota. MSI was recently banned in Mexico for conducting unpermitted geoengineering experiments launched in Baja, California, similar to what the startup has begun in the U.S.

Due to health concerns and unknown environmental risks, the Mexican government banned MSI’s unpermitted “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection” (“SAI”) projects, a controversial effort to cool the earth by releasing sulfur dioxide particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming heat. SAI has also been banned by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (establishing in 2010 a moratorium against deploying such geoengineering).

On April 18th, 2023, GenSeven launched a GiveSendGo crowdfunding campaign to begin preliminary legal research ( for a geoengineering legal challenge. GenSeven’s Lead Attorney, Deana Pollard-Sacks’ organization Lord Advocates, soon became a co-plaintiff.

Today, GenSeven and Lord Advocates are investigating Make Sunsets after they asserted in their  U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) “Weather Modification Projects Report” that their SAI projects will continue for 200 years until 2223 covering “all of earth” or “196,900,000 sq. miles.”

Per NOAA’s website, “As part of Public Law 92-205 (1972), all non-Federal weather modification activities must be reported to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce via the NOAA Weather Program Office.”

MSI’s experimental SAI programs are underway throughout the U.S. and, most recently, out of Reno, Nevada, over the Sierra Mountains range. MSI’s’ SAI projects are deploying sulfur dioxide, calcium carbonate, and other “proprietary compounds,” according to their NOAA submission and MSI’s website.

According to attorney Sacks,  “The application itself indicates that no environmental impact statement (“EIS") has been submitted for MSI’s 200-years worth of proposed geoengineering projects, and there are no attempts to study, measure feedback, or gather data from these experimental releases.”

According to an environmental lawyer, projects have been implemented after an application is filed, despite no environmental study or analysis as federal law requires.

The GenSeven legal team is dealing with what Congress recently snuck into the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (June 3, 2023) (“FRA”); significant substantive changes that eviscerate the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), the body of law that requires our federal government to assess environmental impacts to human health and the environment for all major federal actions.  Most Americans are unaware of these significant and detrimental changes to the nation’s environmental protections.

Experts call the NEPA changes incomprehensible, vague, inconsistent, and in desperate need of interpretation. This will create massive delays contrary to the reasons for the changes: “To streamline the environmental impact process.”

While there is growing outcry from Americans against geoengineering and untested “solar dimming,” last June, the White House released a federally mandated report to “study last ditch efforts” to block the sun through geoengineering while simultaneously ignoring the thousands of weather modification and solar dimming projects that have been underway throughout the U.S. for decades, according to NOAA’s “Weather Modification Project Report.”

Americans have become increasingly aware of the ever-expanding aerosol spraying over their heads, known as geoengineering.

“It’s time we stop the nation’s runaway geoengineering/weather modification programs,” GenSeven founder and Make Sunset’s co-plaintiff, Reinette Senum. “We are on the precipice of normalizing a dangerous undertaking that has never been tested for safety, health, or environmental risk.”

Residents in Northern California have reported that their solar panels are losing efficiency due to the lack of sunlight caused by solar dimming. In addition, this constant bombardment affects the health, water, food, soil, weather, and lives throughout America.  Many nationwide note a growing deterioration of life, including forests, birds, bees, wildlife, and aquatic life.

The legal team, comprised of attorneys, research specialists, physicians, and scientists, can be reached at

Please make a tax-deductible donation to Lord Advocates (, a 501(c)(3) Texas corporation) or GenSeven(, IRS Section (501(c)(3) application pending).

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GenSeven is a pending Social Welfare and Educational Organization 501(c)(3) to educate, inspire, and motivate citizens throughout the United States. Our advocacy efforts will focus on the strategic use of citizen-initiated ballot initiatives, education, public outreach, and supporting programs that ultimately serve and incentivize the 7th Generation principle; every decision we make today should serve seven generations from now.

Lord Advocates was organized in 2023 by former tenured law professors and lifelong colleagues who share a mission to protect and further natural human and constitutional rights for all human beings. Lord Advocates serves humanity by educating the public about the law and engaging the judicial system to quell oppression and affirm rights that have been under extraordinary attack by our government and private corporations since the COVID-19 pandemic was announced in March 2020.  We are non-denominational, non-partisan, egalitarian, and we seek to serve all human beings in all of the world’s many and diverse places.


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Initial Legal Research Proposal for GenSeven’s “Stop US Geoengineering Legal Fund”